Total Loss Experience
A national auto lender wanted to ease the pain for customers who totaled their vehicles but still had a loan balance to settle.
A high percentage of auto loan borrowers who were involved in total loss accidents still owned on the vehicle; even after insurance covered some expenses. This causes unpleasent conversations for those customers and the call center staff. The client wanted a digital solution by utilizing mobile devices.
This was a 3 month long engagement where I was consulting an internal team made up of Customer Care Center employees and managers, a business analyst, project manager, an front-end developer and two back in developers. I led this team to create a new interface on their current mobility app and website. Though we could not change the circumstance of the customer, we were able to eliminate a high degree of frustrations and open new channels of communication for them.
The project was like solving a mystery. We first needed to assess where we currently are and craft what the expectations of delivery should look like for the time we were allotted. I led workshops that elevated the pain the customer was experiencing and identified the internal departments and systems the problem was centered around. Through multiple interviews, hours of research and workshops, my service design blueprint was taking shape. Personas were created and applied to storyboards. Our internal stakeholder was given our artifacts to shop for more executive level support. Our team was given a workshop room for a week and I conducted a 5 day design sprint.
Each team member by now had a visual of what a solution looked like. As the sole design consultant on the project, I played many roles that included UX Researcher, Workshop Facilitator, XD Lead and Creative Director. As the team was responsible for the low fidelity sketches, I took those and created the medium fi wireframes and eventually the hifi interactive prototype. Through rounds of discussions, voting, scoping and design, our team worked together to create a solution that was quickly integrated into the client's existing mobile app to begin managing bad news in a better way.
Numbers that matter
Month Project
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